martes, 29 de abril de 2014

10A-The most dangerous road...


April 26th


  • superlative and comparative adjectives
  • places and buildings

Last class we worked with pages 76-77 and 142-143 10A from the Student´s book.
We also read pages 4-5 from the Skills and completed the questions on page 6.


Workbook: Unit 10A
Skills book: pages 17, 18 and 19 (answer the questions in the section After reading)

Extra practice:

Comparatives and superlatives-Grammar exercise
Comparatives and superlatives-Grammar exercise 2
Mistakes in questions-Grammar exercise
Answers and questions-Grammar exercise 2

Video: Cycling in the Yungas

martes, 22 de abril de 2014

At a restaurant

April 19th


  • numbers
  • comparatives
  • restaurant vocabulary

Last class we finished the readings on page 73 (Unit 9C in the Student´s book) and we did some exercises on numbers and comparatives.
At the end of the class we watched the video At a restaurant and we worked with pages 74 and 75 (Student´s book)


Workbook: Unit 9C and Practical English At a restaurant

Links for extra practice:

At a restaurant-Exercise
At a restaurant-Video
High numbers-Exercise

Saying numbers: watch the first 3 minutes of the video

martes, 15 de abril de 2014

9C-Quiz night


April 12th


  • high numbers
  • comparative adjectives

Last class we worked with page 72 in the Student´s book.


Student´s book: page 73 Grammar (exercise a) and page 141 9C (exercises a and b)
Skills book: Reading pages 4-5 and complete the questions on page 6.

Links for extra practice:

Numbers-Vocabulary exercise
Numbers-Vocabulary exercise 2
Numbers-Vocabulary exercise 3
Cooking competition-Video

Video: Food and quantity

Video: How much? How many? 
Making a smoothie

Video: Some and any
New vocabulary: cupboard, flour, helpful

Easy song: How much? How many?

viernes, 11 de abril de 2014

9B-White Gold


April 5th


  • how much/how many
  • food containers
  • countables/uncountables

Last class we worked with pages 70-71 and 140-141 9B from the Student´s book.


Workbook: Unit 9B

Links for extra practice:

Video: food and drinks

How much/how many?-Grammar exercise
How much/how many?-Grammar exercise 2
How much/how many?-Grammar exercise 3

miércoles, 2 de abril de 2014

9A-What I ate yesterday


March 29th

  • food
  • countable/uncountable nouns
  • a/an, some/any

We worked with pages 68-69 and 140-141 9A (Student´s book)

Video: food vocabulary


Workbook: Unit 9A

Extra links:
